Monday, August 31, 2009

Windows 7 or Snow Leopard?

Well, after close examination, ComputerWorld concludes:

If you go by the scorecard, we have a tie -- Windows 7 and Snow Leopard each win five categories. Of course, going by a scorecard is too simplistic, because not all of the categories carry equal weight.

So which operating system is better? The near-simultaneous release of Snow Leopard and Windows 7 doesn't change the dynamic that has been in place for many years in the operating system competition between Apple and Microsoft.

Snow Leopard is more beautiful and elegant as well as simpler to use -- although with Windows 7, Microsoft has closed the gap between the operating systems, particularly when it comes to taskbar improvements.

Windows 7, on the other hand, remains the corporate standard, and nothing in Snow Leopard is likely to change that. And it's still a more tweakable operating system (although its critics may say that tweaking is mandatory in order to get it running right).

As for me, I'll continue to use both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard. I can't remember another time in which Apple and Microsoft simultaneously released major upgrades to their operating systems. Both releases are big improvements. It's a golden time for operating system aficionados -- my recommendation is to use both and enjoy them if you can.

You can find the complete analysis here.

Amazon' SQS

Alan Williamson has published a neet class that apparently makes accessing SQS easy. You can get it here.

Testing vs Checking

I really like the distinction made between the two concepts here .

Thursday, August 27, 2009

SEO: free tools list

SEOptimise has publish this list of free, yet still relevant, tips or tools.

Java and Cloud

Sun Developer Network has a great interview withAdam Bien on Java and the cloud. Check it out here

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Seems like we can go much further in analytics than the usual, yet very interesting, Google Analytics and the likes. The concept is called "Clickstreams". One of the interesting proponent of the concept is crazyegg

Simple SSO

Seems there is a new free product avaiblable that makes using single sign on easier for web developer:

I read about it here